Senin, 08 September 2014

Puisi Bahasa Inggris Bertemakan Kerinduan

English Words 

Haiii readers, lagi mau nyari puisi-puisi gitu yaa? ini ada puisi, aku sendiri sih yang bikin --" jadi maaf kalau jeelek.... :D Check this, scroll down !!


By : Feby PR

On that time,
I always clapped eyes on you
Why you went away from me?
when that time you can brought
the peacefulness to me
Yes, just only me. I hope 

too long not see
like the book
sheet by sheet be opened
added of my longing

You just like a wind
that can go and fly away
and never come back
light in weight of you
I'll never catch you
I want to meet you again

And when you are permitted,
I really want to cry
if I remember all about you
I am sad.
Sad, when remember you sad because
I am feeling this longing .
Longing to see
It's all tell about you

yappppss, itu tadi sedikit puisi karyaku. hehehe, terimakasih udah berkunjung. Semangat Belajar !!

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